Friday, August 22, 2014

HOW TO: Rubik's Cube Part 1 (Notation)

Before learning, we need a way to tell you what part of the cube to move.

A way to tell you how to move the cube is by way of notations. In this part of the lesson, I will only tell you about the notations needed.
  • L - means to move the left part of the cube clockwise.
  • R - means to move the right part of the cube clockwise.
  • U - means to move the up part of the cube clockwise.
  • D - means to move the down part of the cube clockwise.
  • F - means to move the front part of the cube clockwise.
  • B - means to move the back part of the cube clockwise.
Notice that these moves are all on the clockwise direction. If the algorithm (the solution to a problem in the cube) requires a counter-clockwise direction, it will be noted with an apostrophe and read as prime. For example, R' is read as prime and it means that you need to move the right part of the cube in the counter-clockwise direction.

If the algorithm has a number 2 in it, it means that you need to do the move twice.

An example would be the clockwise fish move, as seen in the image below.
R U R' U R U2 R'

This part of the Rubik's cube solution is the second to the last part. It is called the Orientation of the Last Layer (OLL). We won't discuss it for now but we'll get there. 

These are the basic notations in solving a Rubik's cube. There are more in the advanced solutions. That will be added next time if the tutorials reach there. For now, start familiarizing yourself in the notations. Let me know in the comments if you are following the how to's. :)

PART 2: HOW TO: Rubik's Cube Part 2 (First Layer)

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